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- The WINWHEEL editor allows the user to add, delete, or modify puzzles in
- the database file called WINWHEEL.DAT. You may run the editor as a
- stand-alone program in Windows, or access the program while playing
- WINWHEEL, just in case you find a spelling error that you wish to correct.
- A) Shareware version of WINWHEEL and EDITWHEEL:
- If you installed WINWHEEL from the shareware version (unregistered
- version for evaluation), then you may wish to add an icon to one of your
- GROUPS in FILE MANAGER in WINDOWS 3.0 or 3.1. The procedure is
- simple and applies to adding an icon for any program used under Windows.
- 1. Open the program group where you wish the EDITWHEEL icon to
- appear. To do this, just double-click the left mouse button on the group
- of your choice (you may have a GAMES group, for example).
- 2. Now from the PROGRAM MANAGER menu at top left, select the File
- option and a drop down menu appears.
- 3. Select New...
- 4. Select Program Item and click on the OK button.
- 5. Now you can either:
- i) type in the Drive:\Path\filename.ext in the Command Line box and
- press the OK button. Also type in the Drive:\Path in the Working
- Directory box.
- or
- ii) Click on the Browse key and change to the drive and subdirectory
- where you installed WINWHEEL and EDITWHEEL, and select the
- EDITWHEE.EXE file. Click on OK ,and then OK once more to add
- the icon for EDITWHEEL to your GAMES group.
- B) Registered Version 1.5 or later:
- 1. The automatic install program is run from Program Manager by selecting
- File...
- 2. Select Run...
- 3. Type in the drive name where you have inserted the registered
- distribution disk (labelled Disk 1: Setup Disk) followed by SETUP.EXE
- and press Enter on the keyboard.
- 4. When asked where to install WINWHEEL and EDITWHEEL, type in the
- drive name and path (default is C:\WINWHEEL) and press the OK
- button.
- 5. The setup program will create a group called WINWHEEL and create
- the WINWHEEL icon and EDITWHEEL icon.
- 6. You may use the click and drag features of Windows if you wish to
- move these icons to another group, such as your GAMES group if you
- have one. You can delete the WINWHEEL group after moving the icons
- to another group by simply pressing the Delete key on your keyboard
- when the WINWHEEL group is the active, open group, and answer Yes
- to delete the group.
- Start the editor (referred to as EDITWHEEL here) by double-clicking the
- left button on the EDITWHEEL icon in your WINWHEEL or GAMES
- group, or by clicking once on the Editor menu option in WINWHEEL.
- There are 4 buttons on the main EDITWHEEL window:
- 1. Search
- 2. Add New Puzzle
- 3. Browse
- 4. Quit
- Search
- The search feature allows you to search for the existence of a puzzle in the
- database. When this button is pressed, a yellow window pops up. You may
- type in a puzzle and press OK to start the search or Cancel button if you
- change your mind. You may type the puzzle in all upper case, all lower
- case, or a mixture of upper and lower case. You may include punctuation
- marks such as periods ".", apostrophe's " ' ", and ampersand "&" characters
- if required.
- With the registered version of WINWHEEL with over 12,000
- puzzles, the search may take a few minutes if the puzzle is near the end of
- the database or is not in the database at all. If the puzzle is found, then a
- green editing window will apear. You may click your mouse in the
- Category box or in the Puzzle box and change the text. Press OK to
- accept the changes. You may choose to delete the puzzle using the Delete
- button or Cancel if you wish to make no changes to either the Puzzle or
- Category.
- Note: Puzzles are limited to a maximum of 40 characters including any
- spaces or punctuation marks, and the Category is limited to 20 characters.
- You will be prompted if either of these conditions occurs.
- Add New Puzzle
- You may add new puzzles to the database by pressing this button on the
- main EDITWHEEL window. A green window will pop up. The cursor will
- be an "I-beam" cursor in the Category box. Type in the Category (Phrase,
- Quotation, Person, Place, Thing, Fictional Character, etc.). Now move your
- mouse cursor to the Puzzle box and click the left button once, or use the
- TAB key on the keyboard to move to this box. Type in your puzzle. When
- you have typed in both the Category and Puzzle, then you may click on the
- Add button. The new puzzle will be compared to the database to search
- for duplication. If a duplicate is found then you will receive an error
- message, and you may type in a new puzzle and category or press the
- Cancel button to close the Add New Puzzle window. Puzzles will always be
- added to the end of the database, and so will appear in the Browser as the
- very last entry.
- Browse
- The Browse button will open a spreadsheet displaying the first 12 puzzles in
- the database. The menu options duplicate the Search and Add New Puzzle
- options of the main EDITWHEEL program window, and adds an option to
- Go To a specific puzzle if you know it's entry number.
- You may browse through the database using the buttons at the
- bottom of the spreadsheet. They function as follows:
- Up button: Moves the spreadsheet up by one entry, that is the new top
- entry will one less than the currently displayed top item.
- Dn button: Moves the spreadsheet down by one entry, that is the new top
- entry will be one more than the current top item.
- Pg Up button: Moves the spreadsheet up by one page (one page = 12
- entries).
- Pg Dn button: Moves the spreadsheet down by one page.
- Home button: Displays the entries from 1 to 12.
- End button: Displays the last 12 entries in the database.
- When you see an entry that you wish to modify, click your mouse
- on the number button at the left side of the entry. A green pop-up window
- will let you make changes as in the Search option when a puzzle is found.
- Press the change button when done editing the Puzzle or Category entries,
- Delete button to delete the puzzle, or Cancel button to leave the puzzle
- unchanged.
- When a puzzle is deleted, the last puzzle in the database replaces
- the current puzzles number, and the total number of puzzles is reduced by
- one entry. This method speeds the process of deleting a puzzle without
- having to rewrite the database to disk with all entires following the one you
- deleted.
- You may leave the Browse spreadsheet either by pressing the Done
- button or the Exit option on the menu.
- Quit
- This button on the main EDITWHEEL window will end the program. You
- will see the Wheel spin, and the EDITWHEEL window will close.
- 1. Either searching a puzzle, or adding a puzzle locks up the computer: The
- computer is most likely not locked up, but the searching and comparison
- processes do take a long time with a database as extensive as in the
- WINWHEEL registered version. You can speed this process up by copying
- EDITWHEE.EXE and WINWHEEL.DAT to a RAM DRIVE if you have one.
- Searching will be much quicker since the reads take place from memory
- rather than from the hard drive. Hard drive access is slow, whereas
- memory access is very fast. If you do use a RAM DRIVE with EDITWHEEL,
- remember to copy the WINWHEEL.DAT file back to your hard drive when
- done editing. It is recommended that you do not run EDITWHEEL from a
- floppy disk.
- 2. I've deleted all the puzzles in the database and now EDITWHEE.EXE
- crashes: At this time, EDITWHEEL does not support the creation of new
- databases. This option is being considered for a future release of
- WINWHEEL and EDITWHEEL are copyrighted programs programs of:
- Russell Mueller
- 507 Washington Gdns
- Washington, NJ 07882-9205